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This Teal Life


Through our conversations together I can provide guidance and support for your ovarian cancer journey.


Through information and resources you can learn more about managing the ovarian cancer experience.


We can meet regularly online or simply connect by email and text as a touchstone through the challenging times.

Ovarian Cancer Support

I facilitated my first ovarian cancer support group in 1998 as a graduate student and was deeply struck by the challenges and struggles individuals in the group were facing. I decided then to dedicate myself to the ovarian cancer cause and community. As a result, I have worked with individuals managing ovarian cancer for 25 years and have facilitated over 1,000 ovarian cancer support groups. In 2005, members of the early support group and I founded the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance (COCA), and Nicki's Circle Support Groups. In 2018 I joined the team at The Clearity Foundation in San Diego, California, and helped develop the Steps Through OC program as Program Director. In 2023 I joined the staff supporting individuals with ovarian cancer at the Turning The Tide Retreat in New England. Now in private practice, I have designed This Teal Life as a coaching support program for individuals worldwide. I am here for you.

Contact me to learn more...


W = Willingness

I = Insight

S = Self-Compassion

D = Discernment

O = Outlook

M = Meaning

Coaching, Meditation, Contemplation

Ovarian Cancer Support

Email, text or call me to learn more about this program and how I might help you through the ovarian cancer experience.

Open to patients, survivors & thrivers as well as spouses, family and friends.


Schedule an initial free consultation

Schedule Now

Susan Jeanika Hess, M.A.
